Pattaya Ladyboy Crime Wave Oct 2008
Maybe it’s because we lost our ubiquitous Thai photographer, Eric late this summer or maybe it’s the horrible economy … or maybe it’s just because Pattaya is such a shit hole and attracts not only the worse in ex-pats and holiday makers but the worst Thais also but it seems like every few days in Pattaya, there is a Ladyboy in trouble with the law.
For the start of October we’ve had :
Indian tourists (aka whoremongers) robbed by Ladyboys. These hapless Indian’s were part of the old … “ladyboy hiding under the bed to rifle through pockets” trick. Slightly different to the “boyfriend waiting under bed to stick a knife in my back” trick.
Click on link to see whole story
Ladyboy kills Ladyboy. Ho-hum. Ladyboy 1 runs out of drugs and sends ladyboy 2 to buy drugs who returns with fakes. Ladyboy 1 kills ladyboy 2. Heard it a few times already … Yabba, it’s bad for you. Ladyboy 2 is Yabba Dabba Dead.
Click on link to see whole story.
Ladyboy caught stealing makeup.
Pattaya! I’ve seen so many under-whelming ladyboys not wearing makeup that I almost feel sorry for this one, she needed makeup to look pretty, to get customers. Come on, can’t we get a charity makeup collection going (and let’s throw some nice panties and shoes into that mix too). Anyway, busted … and I think I recognizer her as a model on Ladyboy Ladyboy
Click on link for the whole story.
All this and more at LBLBForum