through the benz

Being transgender in today’s America

January 12, 2018|

Looking back at 2017 it’s difficult to see it as anything but a disastrous year for the transgender community, and to feel a great deal of trepidation about what 2018 has in store for us. As a community we certainly faced many challenges last year and it’s easy to get

Historic election wins for transgender candidates.

November 8, 2017|

Yesterday proved to be a historic day for the transgender community as five openly transgender candidates won elections in Virginia, Minnesota, California, New Hampshire, and Pennsylvania, winning seats on school boards, on city councils, and in a state house. Voter turnout was strong and the nation sent a clear and


September 15, 2017|

There are various definitions of the word family; most often it refers to a group consisting of parents and children living together in a household related to one another by blood or marriage. There are other definitions as well, such as a group of people united in criminal activity, like

It’s Time To Abolish The Trans Panic Legal Defense

September 1, 2017|

Last week Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner signed into law a bill banning the “gay panic” and “trans panic” defense in murder cases, making Illinois the second state to do so, after California become the first state to officially ban the defense in 2014. The law prevents people in those states

Ya Gotta Have Style!

August 24, 2017|

Being transgender is no easy task; there is a lot to learn and it’s a steep learning curve. When we transition we are literally reinventing ourselves from the ground up; we have to learn things on the go that cis-people have had their entire lives to learn and understand. Not

Are “you guys” being overly sensitive?

August 18, 2017|

We in the transgender community have a lot of things to be concerned about in these troubling times. Our state and federal governments continue to attempt passage of legislation which takes away our rights and makes it legal to discriminate against us. Bathroom bills continue to be proposed in state

So you want to be a model for Grooby?

August 11, 2017|

One of the things I get asked about frequently is how to become a model for Grooby. You can read about the process of how to apply by reading Steven Grooby’s blog post here and filling out the online application form here. There is still a big misconception among trans

Attack my integrity? A shill for Grooby? Think again.

July 19, 2017|

I had intended to write about Caitlyn Jenner’s possible run for the Senate in California, but after recent events on social media I felt the need to clarify a few things about this column and what I write. Last week I wrote a column about Trans Identity and the issues

Q&A Quickies with the beautiful Casey Kisses!

July 13, 2017|

This week’s edition of Q&A Quickies features the beautiful Casey Kisses! Casey is the 2017 Transgender Erotica Awards winner for Stroker of the Year, sponsored by Shemale Strokers, and she is always a fan favorite! When Casey isn't busy shooting scenes she can be found on Chaturbate where she is

Trans Identity: Who’s Who, And What Does It Matter

July 6, 2017|

NOTE: These are my own views and I certainly don’t expect everyone to agree with them, or imply that my views are the only ones which are correct. Everyone has their own opinions and who is to say one person’s opinion is better or more correct than anyone else’s. This

New feature on Through The Benz: Q&A Quickies!

June 16, 2017|

In my on-going effort to keep improving my Through The Benz column I’m excited to announce the addition of a new feature: Q&A Quickies! It’s sort of like an interview but in a more compact format; with short questions requiring brief answers. I enjoy doing the interviews and will continue

Pride 2017: Celebrating Diversity And Who We Are

June 3, 2017|

With today being the start of Pride Month I thought I’d share my thoughts about what LGBTQ Pride means to me. I am proud to be trans and proud of my community. To me being trans, or anyone in the LGBTQ spectrum, means we are strong. We have to be

Kayleigh Coxx: Brains and beauty and so much more!

May 18, 2017|

Kayleigh Coxx is someone who caught my attention the first time I saw her on Twitter not only because of her stunning beauty but also because she is intelligent and articulate and not shy about expressing her opinions, which makes her Twitting feed very interesting. But most of all she

Beginnings and endings

May 10, 2017|

This has been a busy week in which I experienced the happiness of a new beginning but also the pain of a loss and the finality of death. The cycle of life continues and death is an inescapable part of that cycle, but with death comes a stark reminder of

The future looks bright for Becca Benz!

April 28, 2017|

After spending almost a week with my mom I’m feeling recharged and ready to get moving. The past few months have been difficult but things will soon be changing for the better. I’ll be moving on May 1st, which will be a huge step in the right direction to get

Kelli Lox on art, porn, life, and social media!

April 20, 2017|

Kelli Lox is one of the biggest names in the trans porn industry, but her popularity and influence far exceeds that of just the world of porn. Kelli is known for her intelligence and her open and honest approach to life, and for her willingness to speak her mind. She

Is there a future for Through The Benz?

April 17, 2017|

I’ve done a lot of thinking and soul searching lately about my life in an effort to regain a sense of equilibrium and move forward. Part of that is doing things to take care of myself, such as going to a gym and volunteering at the dog shelter, along with

Becca Benz 2017 TEA Part 2: Parties and shows!

March 30, 2017|

The Transgender Erotica Awards weekend is always such a fun time, and my week in Los Angeles had already been pretty eventful before the TEA events had even begun! Thursday night at Club Cobra signals the unofficial start of the TEA festivities and is always a fun time, and this

Becca Benz 2017 TEA Part 1: Adventures in Los Angeles!

March 17, 2017|

I had been counting down the days and looking forward to TEA for a long time; actually since last year’s TEA ended! I got my gown and all the accessories and had all my reservations made and was ready to go! I was so excited to see all my friends,

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