Grooby to Accept BitCoin as Payment for Website Memberships

Burbank, CA – Grooby Productions recently announced they will now accept BitCoin as a form of payment on their numerous websites.

“We’re experimenting with Bitcoins to enable those living in countries we’re currently unable to bill for, access to the websites,” explained Grooby owner Steven Grooby. “We’ve identified a high amount of traffic coming from countries where the unavailability of credit cards and other obstacles block our customers from joining our sites. There is also the benefit of those who wish to remain anonymous and not have records of adult purchases on their credit cards, which will appeal to many. The system is also very easy and intuitive to use. In our first weeks of testing, we’ve had joins from North America and Asia and we aim to create language specific join pages in the coming weeks.”

Bitcoin is an alternative currency introduced in 2008 that is based on peer-to-peer technology and operates with no central authority or banks.  Grooby currently offers a wide variety of payment options to accommodate their members from all over the world. To learn more about Grooby Productions, visit their official website at

Published On: November 5, 2013Categories: NewsTags: ,

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