Not A Catfish!

I‘m always horny and looking out for girls on the dating apps. I’m not the best looking guy in the world, but I’m not the worst, and I’m fun, and clean and if a girl is just looking for a hookup then maybe I get lucky. I’ve had so many catfishes lately, girls who turn up looking nothing like their photos … I mean I still fuck them, but I wouldn’t want to be seen on a date. I laughed when I saw the photo of Ember Fiera in my app. As if she’d need to go on an app to get laid!!! I swiped right anyway, more out of curiosity to see who would turn up. And who did turn up? Ember Fiera. Trotting up to my front door with a spring in her step, and that amazing smile as soon as I opened the door. Is this a joke? I’m looking for the hidden prank cameras as she comes in. She poses for me, telling me it gets her hot to show her ass to me. And then she tells me to lie down, and starts playing with my cock. What is the opposite of catfish? Grade A tuna?