Have Some Penis Colada with Wendy Summers

Wendy Summers

Wendy Summers brings some passion to the party and creates a bit of a stir when she whips up an intoxicating punch with a very special ingredient. If you like fruity beverages, you’ll love her “Penis Colada”! In her skimpy party dress and lacy stockings, this hot hostess is ready to throw you a sexy shindig you’ll never forget!

[button link=”http://join.wendysummers.com/track/MTY2MS4yLjQ0LjE1NC4xNy4wLjAuMC4w” color=”blue” size=”large” target=”_blank” title=”” gradient_colors=”,” gradient_hover_colors=”,” border_width=”1px” border_color=”” text_color=”” shadow=”yes” animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”down” animation_speed=”0.1″]Do you like Penis Colada? Wendy Summers does![/button]

image_88549Wendy Summers

Published On: May 21, 2015Categories: Featured ModelsTags: , ,

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