Are You Ready to Go Down the Rabbit Hole this Thursday at Blue Moon Nights?

With Halloween quickly approaching, I can’t wait to see what Buddy Wood and the gang have planned for this Thursday’s T-Party at Blue Moon Nights.  This week’s party is Halloween themed the way you’ve always dreamed about, starring special guest Hazel Tucker and your lovely host, Domino Presley.

I also hear there’s going to be a costume contest with a $100 cash prize! So if you want to take home the dough, make sure to wear your Halloween costume that night.

Drink specials all night and don’t forget, the extended hours that the club is open from 9:30pm-3am! So no excuse! Get your butts down to Blue Moon Nights this Thursday to hang out with some of your favorite transsexual performers and friends.

As some of you might know, Jezebel Yum (also known as Ruby or just Jezebel on some sites) recently passed away. It is a terrible loss to us all and the community. Door proceeds will be donated to Jezebel’s family. A number of the dancers that night are also generously volunteering their tips as well.  So if you want to contribute to this cause as well, all you have to do is show up this Thursday!

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